Welcome To My Garage
As you can tell by the name of this page, the number one occupant of this garage is a 2000 Honda Shadow ACE Tourer. I bought this machine new November 27,1999 from Shenandoah Honda in Winchester, Virginia. I paid $8600 for this bike. One thing I wish to do with this webpage is have a visual record of the customizing of my Shadow. Pictures will also be posted every time I add an accessory and a brief description of the installation process. I like to share my experiences with my bike, and if you do any similar customizations, maybe you'll find it helpful. You can also share your bike experiences on my message board, or you can email your bike's photo to me and I'll put it up in the Photo Gallery. So check back here as often as you like to see the progress I'm making with this project. (Just click on the gauges below to navigate this site)
Modifications and Accessories Page Updated January 01, 2002
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